Home Projects


These are my personal projects


This tool lets you analyze linux, windows executables and APK files, generate a report in markdown. It uses YARA rules.


CRUD in Mobile

This app is an example of CRUD using Visual Studio 2019 and Xamarin.Forms.

Mobile Crud

Chinese checkers

Can you beat this chinese checkers AI? It is wirtten in racket

Chinese checkers

Web server

This is a web server using fork and threads IN C! You can do an stress test (DOS attack) to the web server and see the differences between fork and threads

Web server

Nasm Boot Loader

This is a simple nasm code that runs at the boot moment, technically it is the OS system. It doesn’t do much, just shows a matrix screen style

Boot loader

Candy crush

This was one of my POO projects and I really enjoy it :D It is simple but fun.

Same game

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